pointe shoe art
Diamonds are Forever
I started 2016 with playing the inspiring dance teacher, Mrs. Wilkinson in the musical "Billy Elliot" at the Media Theatre in Media PA. The reviews are out and I couldn't be happier! DC Metro, The Inquirer and Neal Zoran, loved it and me!!! I felt like Sally Fields..."You like me you really like me." Neal even put me in his top actress list for 2015, see his 2015 Philadelphia Theatre Critic's Awards, I was no# 13 on his list!!!Hey I'll take it...I was up against Hamlet, La Traviata and Virginia Woolf! I'd like to see them jump rope in heels....
Also helped create a new ballet of Cinderella for Prince Youth Ballet (PYB). I was the Stepmother, what fun to play silly evil. Creating a role is always so terrific because you're never compared to someone else, you are the original....
Linda Erickson's Europium Dancetheater's new film "Eine Kleine Nacht" will be shown this November at the ACME screening room. I play "The Contortionist" and it's quite the performance.
I slowed down on my Shoevie Reviews and Classics, where I combine my two passions: shoes and movies with over 330,000 views. I started a new series called"If These Shoes Could Talk" and ANN ENews series. You can subscribe to my YouTube Channel by searching Annie2two. You can see my original Shoevie Reviews or click the "follow" link below. Just for fun, take a peek; you never know what you’ll see.
My newest adventure is my Shoevie Art. I take used pointe shoes and turn them into one of a kind art pieces. My Diamondpointes have been selling at The Met Opera Shop in NYC! If your interested, send me an email and I'll get back to you. If you don't see anything you like I can customize!